Saturday, October 11, 2008

Ryukyu Kings vs Fukoka Rizing

My friend Susie and I went to a professional basketball game last night. The Ryukyu Kings is a new francise here in Okinawa. I don't know how the popularity of basketball compares to other major sporting events, but the arena they played was very small! Maybe comparable to my high school gym. But the crowd was really into it and the game moved fast. As you can tell, there were several American's playing on both teams. I'm guessing these are guys who didn't get picked up by the NBA after college. The Japanese players were quick and passed the ball and took open jump shots, but it was the taller Americans who took it to the hoop! I think there were at least 10 slam dunks last night. I recorded a brief video of the opening. As you can see, it is very similar to what you might see at a game at the states! And if you can't understand anything the announcer is saying, it's all in Japanese- except of course the American players names. We had a great time and Susie said it best when she looked over at me and said, "Can you believe we are at a professional basketball game in Japan? This is so cool!"

Jason is still training. Thank you everyone who have kept us in your thoughts and prayeres.

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